Wine glass half-full

2020 – Glass Half-Full

A few days ago, my mother was telling me what good came out of Covid-19. She’s forever my ray of sunshine, a woman who, despite her share of tragedy and loss, sees her glass half-full.

So, here’s my list.

  1. Me: I’ve learned that my life is worth protecting. Getting deliveries, making my youngest learn fully remote, outside-dining-only last summer, and being vigilant about masks and social distancing are all part of it.
  2. Hero: A man is alive and well because of me. At the height of Covid-19 last spring, I provided sanctuary, rehab, nutrition, and nursing skills (albeit untrained) because it was the safest place for him.
  3. Family: My daughters and I have become close. My oldest, in her mid-twenties, now asks what she can get me as I continue to hunker down. I’ve made her my top “in case of” contact. My youngest, after months of questioning, knows she can count on me.
  4. Friends: Dear old friends now connect with me on Zoom each month, when we’ve let years pass with just a holiday card.
  5. Job: While I can perform my day job sequestered at home, I’ve learned that don’t want to. I can’t wait to see my colleagues at the office when it’s safe.

It’s been a tumultuous year, starting with nonstop college visits in February with my youngest daughter, Covid-19 nipping at our heels. My oldest and I, both writers, kept our jobs. She moved out, needing a more fluid bubble. Then came my then-boyfriend’s med flights and recovery, as our little home grew too small. We held our collective breath as the numbers climbed for both Covid-19 and the election results. Now, it’s just one daughter and me spread out comfortably: warm, well-fed, and safe, cheering each college acceptance letter.

We had an extended family Zoom call for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hopeful for the future, we plan to be together for the holidays next year.

2021 will bring change: downsizing my house, youngest off to college, and the other moving into her first home. I picture travel, dancing, writing, coffee shops and restaurants, publishing my books, and having some fun.

That’s my glass half-full.